Opkast hos hunde kan være et symptom på en bred vifte af underliggende årsager, lige fra milde fordøjelsesforstyrrelser til mere alvorlige indre sygdomme. Dr. Reto Nieger deler sin tilgang til håndtering af disse tilfælde, begyndende med enkelte tilfælde og bevæger sig hen imod mere komplekse diagnoser.
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[2:04] Hi, Reito, and welcome to the podcast. Hello, Soren.
Thanks for inviting me. Some of my listeners will know you because you have given presentations here in Denmark before, but for those who don’t know you, can you please give us a clip of a version of what’s important that people know about you before we start?
Sure. Yes, I’m a Swiss, a veterinary degree from Switzerland a long time ago, and I’ve been practicing in many many countries in the US in the UK and now I’m living in Germany where I’ve been now for over 20 years.
I used to be a professor at the university and then went to the largest small animal clinic in Germany called Hofheim where I worked for three years and now for the last a bit more than four years I’ve been country medical director with IVC Evidenzia and i am a diplomat in internal medicine of the european of the american college and my main interest basically is everything in internal medicine from gastroenterology nephrology endocrinology so there is no really main interest but we will have to to try to keep a narrow focus on something dark today so hopefully i will manage to keep us somewhat on track.
[3:25] Knowing myself this can sometimes take a minute but let’s say let’s start there and then see where that takes us so i like usually to follow the patient through the clinic so in my world this starts by the owner phoning us telling us that her dog has been passing think let’s say two three four five times but seems somewhat okay otherwise at what pot would you recommend a first opinion vets like me to to call the dog in for an examination.
[4:05] Definitely when the vomiting is happening more frequently, when the animal is showing more than just vomiting.
I always say if the animal is sick and vomiting or healthy and vomiting, and what I consider healthy and vomiting, I mean, you can’t be healthy and vomiting.
Of course, that doesn’t really work.
But if the animal is still eating and happy and running around and wagging its tail and everything is fine, if the owner can also look at the mucous membranes and that looks normal, if the animal has no diarrhea, everything else is fine and it’s just vomiting then and that has been ongoing for one two day then often it might not be needed to be seen however i know we all need to earn money it might be needed to see also a dog like that but overall if more than just vomiting is happening, if the owner is able to take the temperature in the dog and that’s low or high if other clinical signs, such as I said, diarrhea, or if the animal has some discharge, if the animal has bloody vomiting, especially if the animal has bloody diarrhea, anything like that, lethargy, et cetera, that all definitely needs to be seen.
[5:17] Good. So I call the dog in, and I will try not to jump straight into the physical examination, nation but try to have the thorough first and i’m sort of confident in take a thorough history but is there something in particular that you are looking for or asking for i definitely in the history would like to try to differentiate between vomiting and regurgitation as much as that is possible so i ask the owner is it an active or a passive process kind of they i want them to to explain and maybe even show me what the animal is doing.
I ask also about, of course, what is being thrown out, food.
[6:06] When after feeding, does it look digested, is it froth, what kind of color has the froth, other prodromal signs such as nausea and licking its mouth and walking around in circles and it will soon vomit.
So the differentiation between vomiting and regurgitation, as much as it’s possible, it’s not always possible, will help us to kind of work up the dog because regurgitation is a disease of the esophagus, while vomiting is a disease of basically everything else.
So that’s a good takeaway already here in the beginning, because I struggle to try to narrow down all my differentials and knowing the difference between my patients to date this day is already going to narrow that quite a bit.
[7:04] Well, I mean, if we know it’s regurgitation, then, as I said, we most likely take x-rays of the chest.
But while if it’s a vomiting, then chest x-ray, at least in the beginning, are not that important unless we think it also has some aspiration pneumonia, which in vomiting are quite rare, while in regurgitation are quite common.
So, yes, I think it is important that we differentiate those two as much as possible.
So, for example, a yellowish bile-colored or whatever material being thrown out, whether that’s with food or just froth, really points us towards vomiting.
If it’s a very whitish froth, like beaten egg white, that could point us towards regurgitation.
[7:52] That’s basically the only real things that help us differentiate.
Shaped so i would like to test something i do on you and i basically take every chance i can get to do a bit of acting and i realize not everybody is like that but i try to to act out the two different things in the consultation room if if the the the vibes in the room they is for it i I tried to tell the owner that a vomiting dog is sort of working its way up to it.
It works the abdominal muscles before it comes, and the regurgitation is more like it sort of surprises the dog to just spit out what is down there.
[8:41] Is that sort of maybe a good idea, or is that off the mark? I think it’s a very good idea, unless the owner already, I don’t want to pinpoint the owner to something.
So I think it’s important to what we call open questions, that they can really, it’s not a yes, no question, but it’s an open question, meaning that they can explain more in detail.
But if I don’t get that, I don’t really differentiate by what I have asked, then exactly what you said is also what I’m doing, including making these weird vomiting or retching sounds, I think is really helpful.
Or I ask the owners, is there anything before the vomiting happens?
And sometimes they tell me.
[9:34] Good. So, anything else in the history before we go on to the physical examination?
Well, of course, you take as good a history as possible.
In internal medicine, we always say that between 70% and 80% of the diagnosis is history.
So, you ask about if the dog could have eaten something bad, where it gets its things.
Toxicitys are important. You ask about all the drugs that the animal is receiving and has been receiving. You ask about the normal diet that the animal is getting, if it has had a diet change.
[10:10] Then, of course, you ask about the other things such as normal drinking, abnormal drinking, what is the feces looking like?
Is there diarrhea, lethargy things?
Has the animal been somewhere outside of Denmark? And Mark, of course, you definitely ask about the deworming anti-parasitic drugs.
I also ask normally what kind of drugs it has received and if the dose kind of was correct for that dog, because it could be a parasitism that causes vomiting.
Of course, that’s more likely to cause diarrhea, but it can cause vomiting.
I also ask about the vaccination status, if it’s not a client that comes to me routinely.
And I would know, I ask about if other dogs in the household, in the vicinity have had some vomiting.
So I think, as I mentioned, history taking is extremely important.
And of course, you can do that simultaneously.
While you take the history, you start with your physical exam.
Do you feel like, this is more maybe a philosophical question, but do you feel like the owners are giving you the correct information?
[11:35] I’m guessing what, at my clinic, I sometimes find that I’m not able to express what I want them to answer clear enough.
And the owners sometimes are guessing what I want to hear, And I get the sense they are maybe making stuff up or maybe not just completely random lies, but are trying to make the history fit with what I’m asking.
So it’s a challenge, I think, to get all the necessary information.
It is a challenge. And you’re absolutely right. It’s an art to do a good history.
And you know, when you have a young veterinarian working with you, they ask some questions and they come to you and explain that you go in and ask the same questions and the owner answers something completely different.
And you kind of wonder why is it not what has been asked before?
So owners don’t really make up their mind, but they say what comes to mind first.
[12:41] And then if you ask the same question later again, suddenly they realized, well, maybe the first time it was not correct. So they answer a second time.
And if I think it’s an important question, I do ask it the same thing in another way again.
And I try to avoid asking two things at the same time.
So how often is it vomiting and is there blood in it? So I ask, how often is it happening?
And then the second time, is it blood in it? Yes or no?
So the owners can only answer one thing at a time. And I also interrupt them when they go into a wrong direction that I think is not relevant for the case at this time.
[13:23] So what I’m experiencing is that sometimes I will try to ask a very open-ended question.
I will ask, can you please tell me what the vomit looks like?
And they will, basically just food.
And so I ask, just food? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just food.
So you haven’t seen blood in it? Yeah, there’s blood as well also.
So not just food. No, no, it’s blood and mucus and food.
Okay, but that wasn’t what you told me. so sometimes i feel like i really have to be patient i completely agree that’s why personally i think it’s very good to start with an open question and when they can basically say what they want and afterwards i think we should i i like to to stop that and i really like to go with closed questions yes and no questions so i say blood yes and no um froth yes and no is there Is the froth whitish?
Yes or no? Is it pinkish?
Is it yellowish? Is it greenish? So I ask all these different things.
Is there diarrhea? Yes or no?
Has it been vaccinated? Yes or no? Have you gone abroad? Yes or no?
Because I think it’s much easier that you come to a true answer than when you give them open questions all the time.
[14:41] But it is important to spend a bit of time on this and as a vet, make your life a bit easier going forward if you have a thorough history is what I’m hearing you say.
I think it’s the most important part in internal medicine.
We know in human internal medicine that the diagnosis is made 90% by the history taking.
That’s why so many human doctors never ever touch you because after 90% they know what will be your problem, they try to treat it and if it doesn’t get better then they do hopefully a physical exam.
For us, it’s still about 70% of a very good history taking that you can pinpoint where it’s going.
Also with vomiting, so I really, really think history taking is an art and is extremely important. And as I mentioned, you don’t have to sit down all the time.
You can do it while you do a physical exam at the same time.
Of course, not while you do your auscultation of the chest, but then when you do an abdominal palpation, you just take more time while you ask questions.
[15:52] Yeah. So let’s move on to the physical examination then.
You mentioned something about mucosal membranes and palpating the abdomen.
And when I’m in a hurry, I have to be honest, that’s basically the physical examination that that dog gets.
But I know I can do quite a bit better.
And we maybe are talking about challenging cases here.
So is there anything in particular that you are focusing on in the physical examinations?
I think the most important part in the beginning really is to find out, we’re talking about vomiting, is the animal hypovolemic or dehydrated?
Because does it need fluid or not?
If it’s an acute case, I think that’s the first thing you want to know.
So you need to do mucous membranes, capillary refill time, palpate the pulse, the frequency and the quality of the pulse, do a skin tenting.
And with this, you already have a lot.
Then, of course, looking at if the animal is lethargic, mild, moderate, whatever, you can do that very quickly. You don’t need a lot.
[17:02] Yes, auscultation, we do that. But when I have the dog on the table, I immediately put my hands to the femoral pulse.
So I already know, is it bradycardic?
Is it normal? Is it tachycardic?
The same with the cat. Is it a strong pulse? Is it a weak pulse?
I get a lot out of that from the beginning.
And with the mucous membranes together, I do get a lot.
And then with a vomiting animal, of course, it’s abdominal palpation. Be very thorough.
I think you should always do the same way. Either you start cranially and go caudally or you start caudally and go cranially or dorsally to ventrally.
It’s entirely up to you. But you should be in always the same way.
And I think I read a lot that the animal has a tense abdomen and you can’t really palpate and I think that’s really mostly because you don’t take enough time or you have very cold hands but you just that’s why I say do your history taking while the animal is standing you stand behind the animal and you just very very calmly palpate the abdomen in the end you should be able to touch your own fingers.
[18:17] In cats, that should be very easy. In small dogs, that should be very easy.
I mean, we all know if you have a Rottweiler that is 60 or 65 kilos, it probably will not be possible.
And you don’t even want to put the dog on the table that heavy.
But in a lot of dogs, you should be able to find out, is the bladder full?
Can I palpate the intestines?
And let’s face it, a foreign body should always be palpable unless it really, really is very painful.
[18:51] So, I sometimes find that if I just place my hands and just squeeze in, most dogs will relax a bit.
So, if they are in just discomfort or maybe in pain, they will, of course, tense up the second you touch them.
But if you move forward slowly, you will get more out of it.
I agree. Be slow in the beginning. pet the dog a little bit and talk to the dog and talk to the owners and slowly slowly palpate you get a lot more out than when you the dog is vomiting or has diarrhea you put it on the table and immediately palpate without doing anything else then you often get less out that when you start slow and then palpate yeah i like to return back to the body and but about the femoral pulse, so that’s the inside of the hind leg of course but.
[19:52] That’s the easiest one or is that just the one you prefer or I think both personally I think it’s the easiest and the one I prefer because I get the most information from, I’ll pay that while you’re listening with the stethoscope or you just count the pulse there or do you do anything special is what I meant um to be honest i don’t always count the pulse with um because you with time when you’re old enough you kind of get the feeling if it’s normal or not um if i’m not sure then of course i count but otherwise if it feels like oh that’s a normal pulse for that size um breed um or that that cat then i normally do not count um but i really the the pulse for me the pulse quality is more more important than the pulse quantity.
[20:46] Can you talk more about that? The pulse quality means that you feel, is it a strong pulse?
Is it a weak pulse? Is it a normal pulse? And of course, you will, veterinarians who’ve been in the job for a long time know that you get a feel for that.
If you’re a young student, well, it just takes some time.
And the more you palpate pulses, the more you will get information out of it.
That’s why I think it is so important that also, Also, in a dog that comes in with no problem vaccinating, just briefly palpate the pulse that you get to feel what is normal in that size dog with that amount of fat.
If it’s long hair, short hair, same for cats, just do that over and over and over until you really, that’s a very important part of your physical exam.
[21:34] And then you said that most foreign bodies should be palpable.
[21:40] I think so, yes. Now, if it’s very painful, then it’s not possible.
But most foreign bodies, I’m not talking about foreign bodies in the stomach, but I’m talking about foreign bodies in the intestine, which, of course, can also cause vomiting.
Most of those are palpable. And then when you find this kind of mass-like lesion, if you press hard, then they really have some pain, Meanwhile, a mass from a tumor in general doesn’t cause pain.
So once you get more used to it, then foreign bodies in the intestines should be palpable.
Now, I’m not talking about a linear foreign body. That’s something different.
But a toy, a stone, whatever it is, should be palpable, not in the stomach.
The stomach often is not palpable, I think, in cats sometimes.
Times but otherwise in especially um big chested dogs the abdomen is not pal the the the stomach is not palpable how about organs pancreas liver of that sort liver is basically never palpable unless it’s really really big i mean if you have a hepatomegaly then you can uh pancreas the only thing that you can palpate of course if there is pain you can’t palpate the pancreas um the kidneys Disneys, I think, are palpable in almost all cats, in dogs sometimes.
The bladder is always palpable if it’s not completely empty.
[23:07] And that’s basically it.
[23:10] Would you do rectal examination for the vomiting dog specifically?
Good for asking. Personally, I think any dog that has a gastrointestinal disease should have a rectal exam or any patient, not only dogs. because I think in a lot of cats, you can do a rectal exam.
Yes, I agree, you can’t do it in every cat. And in cats with vomiting, I wouldn’t do it all the time.
I do it only if I have a suspicion if the cat has some vomiting, plus maybe some problem with defecation.
But in dogs, I think a rectal exam should be part of your physical exam in an animal where you have GI disease.
[23:51] I do i’m asking because i find that sometimes the the the tells me that the last time the pieces that was normal and then the dog is vomiting and i do an erectile exam i get some very nasty diarrhea smelly stuff out and okay so maybe it was yesterday but the the the feces that coming next time is diarrhea so that sort of takes more towards an infection or, dietary upsets more than a foreign body i guess absolutely i agree and that’s why you should do a rectal exam in almost all dogs i mean not talking about a completely healthy dog that has been vomiting once or twice and otherwise he’s healthy but if an animal shows more than two three times vomiting over 24 hours and has any other problems on your history or physical exam then i think a rectal exam should be part of it sometimes sniff this the from the thermometer and people looking looking at me funny when I do that, but there is some information in that as well.
[25:07] So any thanks before we leave the physical examination, because now we are going into paraclinics.
[25:17] Now, I think once you’ve done what I’ve just mentioned, as I said, you also should – I’m not a person to take the temperature in every patient, but if I have a patient that is unhealthy, then I think it’s part of it.
I definitely want to know if it’s hypo or hyperthermic.
So temperature is important, but not overly important. The same as I mentioned for the pulse, is the pulse quick or slow?
So a bradycardia will be more important than a tachycardia because a bradycardia in a vomiting dog might point towards a hypoadrenocorticism.
Um so if you have a dog that has been vomiting for the last three four months intermittently and now it’s getting worse and has a heart rate of 54 or something then that really should make you suspicion so um i think um my sense is that i dive into uh blood work.
[26:28] And I guess I too often dive into that too quickly because we have already quite a lot of more information about the dog now than I have with quite a lot of my patients if we’ve done what you’ve told us so far.
But jumping to the blood, is that a logical next step, do you think?
Or is there something else that you would try to…
[26:57] I think there are two options now. One of the options is that you do more diagnostic investigation.
And the other option is that you do a therapeutic trial.
And it all depends on how sick the animal is and how bad the vomiting is and so on.
So if you have a dog that is quite healthy or healthy otherwise and is only vomiting and has been vomiting, It comes on a Saturday during the emergency hour and you have been vomiting since Friday evening and the owner is unhappy because he had to clean the carpet twice.
[27:34] You do your physical exam. Everything is completely normal. You don’t find anything abnormal.
It has only been vomited twice. then i don’t have a problem in that dog to do a therapeutic trial and say um well why don’t we try with some antiemetics and maybe a dietary change and see how it’s going because let’s face it um probably about 70 80 percent of these patients only have some what we call dietary indiscretion or we call it acute gastritis whatever that means and they will be better afterwards um and they they don’t need any blood work.
If, however, the animal has been vomiting for a week or even five days and it’s getting worse and it doesn’t stop or the animal shows some lethargy or the animal has tachycardia or abnormal temperature, then I think blood work is not only needed, but then I think it’s mandatory that you do some blood work to find out what’s ongoing.
So for me, it really depends on your history and physical exam.
[28:38] Do you use anything else for the dog on saturday that i would like to send home uh some mathematics, and and some dietary changes um we have something that i’m not i forget the the the content of it but it’s uh something that you swallow we will have um also gastric also as humans and we some we do that or we use acid inhibitors and and quite a lot of other things but okay only mentioned two is that okay let’s start let’s start with the let’s start with the healthy dog healthy dog that you only treat on a saturday evening or it could be any day it doesn’t really matter um in these dogs i would give a anti-emetic drug and um we can talk more about the the the antiemetic drugs, plus potentially a dietary change the dog to a easy digestible diet.
It’s nice because you can sell some diet, whatever company you like and you.
[29:41] Have, they all have some diet, some intestinal diet, or for three, four days, two, three days, you can ask them to cook chicken and rice is what we always did.
Don’t do that for a long time but easy digestible diet for two three days chicken and rice is always works i would i think all the other drugs no what you could also do if you really want to you could give it some kind of probiotic um that might give a change to its uh microbiome.
[30:19] But oftentimes, that’s not really needed in a vomiting dog.
So I think mostly it’s an antiemetic drug and a dietary change, and that’s it.
All the drugs that you mentioned, gastric protective drugs, including protein pump inhibitors, omeprazole, pantoprazole, including H2 blockers, cimetidine, ranitidine, all of them are really not needed. it.
And I think you shouldn’t give them because in most cases, they do more harm than good.
Let’s start with the H2 blockers, the sametitin, ranititin. They actually have basically no effect in dogs whatsoever.
So you can skip those and throw them out of your pharmacy because they really don’t do anything.
If you really want to use a gastric protective drug, and that’s if you you have an animal that has been ongoing vomiting for a while and has bloody vomiting then please go ahead and use a omeprazole and pantoprazole but then you must use it at least for a week or longer maybe two weeks or three weeks because they don’t work in the very beginning it takes two three days until they have full effect you definitely need to give it twice daily both both in dogs and cats at the one milligram per kilogram.
[31:36] And as I said, you need to give it for a prolonged period of time, not more than probably about two, three weeks, because then you may have, again, some negative side effects.
[31:50] But most of these drugs are not needed in vomiting dogs because they have absolutely no anti-emetic effect, as some people think.
And most, most, most animals, basically, with vomiting do not have gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers are extremely rare.
[32:07] And for example, people always talk about helicobacter. Helicobacter in dogs and cats are of completely no consequence.
If you treat them, wait four months and they will have them again.
So I did my PhD a long time ago on helicobacter.
And at that time, I probably knew every single publication. and i can definitely say they are of no clinical consequence so you don’t need to treat helicobacter with a triple or quadruple therapy with bismuth and with proton pump inhibitors and antiemetics and so on they they really really are of no consequence and dogs and cats do not have the same helicobacter as humans so it’s also not a zoonotic problem because some humans say oh oh, I’ve been diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori and my dog is vomiting.
Maybe it has the same problem.
No, it does not because they have completely different Helicobacter species.
Dogs and cats have Helicobacter bisoxeroni, Helicobacter hyalmani, Helicobacter felis, whatever they’re called.
And humans have Helicobacter pylori and it’s almost never a switch from one to the other one in species wise.
[33:22] So i will ask you this question again when we get to the more severe case but focusing on this case that we want to send home on the same day do you use steroids and antibiotics thanks for asking the answer is clearly no for both no um definitely a no uh steroids um i use steroids really rarely um for animals that need steroids and if you give a steroid in the patients like that and in the end it has a other disease, it’s often very difficult to make a diagnosis.
So you should avoid it as much as possible.
And antibiotics is even more strong now.
I mean, you’re a Scandinavian country and you have much stricter antibiotic rules than we have in Germany.
I’m a complete abolisher of antibiotics as much as I can.
So gastrointestinal diseases and antibiotics together have absolutely absolutely never or hardly, hardly ever anything to do.
I’m not talking about this acute parvo case that is a neutropenic and everything.
Yes, of course, it needs an antibiotic, but all these acute cases that you have otherwise, absolutely no antibiotic, no metronidazole and nothing else.
You seem, people can’t see your face, but I can.
And you seem quite that this is your your case.
Yes, it is. Yes. Yes.
[34:51] Let’s talk about the anti-emetics at that time, okay? Yeah.
So anti-emetics for the easy-to-treat dogs.
I mean, you should know a little bit about what anti-emetics are licensed and in dogs and in cats.
And I’m pretty sure it’s the same in Denmark as it is all over Europe.
We have two licensed drugs. One of them is meropitant, and the other one is metoclopramide.
[35:19] Meropitant. you have another one as well oh that’s the two we have okay meropitin is a neurokinin receptor antagonist so it works on the neurokinins on the neurokinin receptors and there are neurokinin receptors in the periphery and centrally located and centrally if we talk about the whole vomiting reflex and everything there is a vomiting center in the brain stem and And it needs to be innervated.
But when an animal vomits, it can either have central vomiting or peripheral vomiting.
Central vomiting normally comes from a reflex coming from the chemoreceptor trigger zone where there is no blood-brain barrier.
So if you have some toxins, some drugs, some endogenous, emetogenic substances such as like ammonia, such like some cytokines, etc., they can all cause various forms of vomiting.
So, the meropitin is probably your most potent anti-emetic drug that you have available.
And when I have an animal that comes in with acute vomiting, I have no problem giving it one injection of meropitin.
But don’t give more meropitin at home because if it continues vomiting after 24 hours, then it needs to come back and you need to do more diagnostic investigations. Okay.
[36:43] But it also is an anti-nausea drug, so it really works very well.
The animal feels better and stops the vomiting.
And then you already have the novel diet in there, which is easy digestible.
So all combined is very, very helpful.
And it also, as I mentioned, it works central vomiting.
So if the animal has had some whatever, eaten some bad stuff, and there are some toxins, and you can’t really get rid of those, then it will also work.
That’s for the dog and the cat.
In the dog, you can also use metoclopramide. Cats have very few D2 receptors.
[37:32] Metoclopramide is a D2 receptor antagonist, so it works mostly on the vomiting center and not for peripheral vomiting.
So, in cats, meropitin is much better than metoclopramide.
And while we talk about the drugs, I think it’s also important now not for the easy-to-treat patients, but for the more sick patient, when eventually you have a patient that has kidney or liver disease and that results in vomiting, then don’t forget that meropitin is mainly metabolized by the liver.
Liver so sirenia prevomax or whatever you use can be easily given in animals with kidney disease because they are not excreted by the kidney and metoclopramide on the other hand is almost.
[38:26] All excreted by the kidney and is hardly metabolized by the liver so metoclopramide is really the drug that you should more use if you have an animal with liver disease because it’s not metabolized by the liver so I was actually going to move forward with the acute case but maybe we should interject another midway case here so we do that because let’s say this Saturday dog has gone home everything was fine for some time and then it returns maybe two or three times to the clinic like over the following period, it’s still not a sick dog.
It’s mostly happy and eats what it gets, but the vomiting seems to be recurring or maybe get a chronic feel to it.
[39:21] If that’s the case, you definitely cannot send it home again with a serenia or a metoclopramide and a diet.
Then you need to do further workup like you would have in a sick dog.
So I would say you can use it once, maybe twice, but after that, you need to do more diagnostic investigations because it could be a gastric form body and it will not go away.
It could be any problem that is happening, kidney disease, liver disease, you name it. You need to know more about that patient.
So once, maybe twice, give it an anti-emetic drug and then do more diagnostic investigation.
[40:07] Where do you start that? Is that imaging first or blood work first or something first?
It kind of depends how much the owner is willing to pay. Ideally, you probably do blood work and ultrasound if you have and can do it.
If your physical exam was really completely normal, your abdominal palpation is completely normal, I definitely would more go to blood work.
If on your physical exam you really think, hmm, I’m not absolutely 100%, then abdominal ultrasound I think is a very good tool at that stage. age.
X-rays of the abdomen in general are not that helpful in a vomiting dog unless you really already feel something abnormal on your physical exam.
Then maybe if you talk about an interception, but again, interception is like an intestinal foreign body.
Most often, you can palpate an interception, and the animal is not healthy.
The animal will be sick when it comes in, And that’s a patient that you should not give an antiemetic drug and send home.
[41:17] So uh i think we should dive into all of these three so i can take x-rays but i’m usually have to to ask colic interpreting them also sound i have a very skilled colleague that can do that i don’t do them well enough myself so that that both of those require some help, from an expert, I would guess.
But I’m also hearing you say that I cannot just put it on the example and expect the diagnosis to be present in the recordings.
[41:59] I mean everybody can take an x-ray. I don’t know how it’s legal in Denmark, Mark, in Germany, the nurses most commonly take the x-rays because we do other things as veterinarians at that time, which I think is the way it should be.
So everybody can take an x-ray. And what the advantage of x-rays, of course, that even if you are not capable of interpret everything, you can show that x-ray at the later time and maybe even at eight in the evening, 10 in the evening to your colleague because he may have access to your patient management system online and look at it or you send him a picture of the x-ray via whatsapp or whatever look is there do you think it is an interception so x-rays for that are helpful and it’s also helpful for, if the owner later wants to sue you that you can show well i did do an x-ray and we have more and more of owners going in that direction.
So, x-rays for that are helpful.
[43:06] Ultrasound, well, I mean, what ultrasound really is helpful for in the emergency setting is if there is a foreign body, you probably would be able to see it even if you’re not good at it.
And maybe you would see an interception.
I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to see a very mild thickening of the intestinal mucosa, but that does not need to happen on a Saturday night.
But free fluid in the abdomen is something a lot of people are able to find.
[43:41] You don’t need to be able to say, well, this liver is completely normal or a little bit hypoechoic or hypoechoic, But the things that are kind of, what shall I say, plain obvious, can be done also in the evening.
And I’m not a good ultrasonographer. I ask somebody else for the nice and specific things.
But I can find masses and I can find interception. I can find free fluid.
And that gives me some confidence what to do next.
But a lot of these patients….
[44:17] Have some clinical abnormalities, like I mentioned, so you know better.
And if you really think in a patient, if you do not have a surgical capability and you feel a mass and it’s really vomiting and you think it’s an interception or a foreign body, then that might be a case that you don’t do ultrasound, but you refer immediately after your physical exam.
[44:42] So both of these would, in my hands, be mostly rule-out procedures.
And I have to be careful not to sell them as something I’ll just take a neck and see what’s in there and give you the result afterwards.
But I would try to rule out free fluid, pyrefer, and an obvious foreign body.
And then so we can focus maybe on other things. And that’s in the communication with the owner as well.
I completely agree. I mean, a pyometra might cause vomiting and might be a closed pyometra.
And the owner doesn’t really realize that the dog is also PUPD because they think, oh, it’s drinking more because it’s vomiting.
So that’s I completely agree with what you said.
It’s the way how you sell it and never say, oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t find anything abnormal. but say, oh, it’s fantastic, we didn’t find anything abnormal in that diagnostic test.
That doesn’t mean there is nothing abnormal, but it means that currently it’s not severe enough that we can see it and we need to do other tests.
But it’s always say, oh, it’s fantastic that nothing abnormal was found and not, oh, I’m sorry that nothing abnormal was found. Right.
[46:01] So, let’s play with the idea that the dog has insurance and we can run the blood work that we need.
Not everything, of course, because we only want to run what is needed.
But what especially would you require us to run or you would call in the lab? Okay.
[46:27] Even without insurance, it doesn’t really matter. I personally believe that it’s a good idea in the beginning to be a little bit more broad than just two single parameters.
So depending on what system you have in your clinic, your practice, I think you should always – I mean, we’re talking now in a more sick dog, maybe dehydrated, whatever it is.
I think it’s very worthwhile to do a hematology, and I think you should do hematology always in-house, irrespective, if you have a machine, of course, irrespective whether that’s a long-standing or short-standing abnormality, because submitting it to a centralized lab often causes some changes in the red and white blood cells.
So personally, I think hematology should be done in-house.
[47:23] And you should, of course, look at your results and see if the machine puts up some flags, depending on what they are.
If everything is completely normal on your hematology and there are no flags, then that tells you, well, most likely everything is normal.
If you find abnormalities on your hematology results, then it kind of depends on what you find.
If there is erythrocytosis in a vomiting dog, then it’s most likely dehydrated and you need to give it, or hypovolemic, and you need to give it some fluids.
And then you need to look at other results, what kind of fluids.
[48:04] If you look at your white blood cells, then you look at all the white blood cell numbers, the leukocytes, normal, neutrophils, eosinophils, and so on, and see what’s there.
And if there are some flags and you’re not certain, then depending on the machine you have, you should go and look at the scatter plots.
A lot of machines actually do show scatter plots, and I’m surprised at how few veterinarians ever go and look at them.
Um it i mean we can’t talk about the scatter plots here because it’s it will be another two two two hours um but it’s visual as well and it’s visual you know that the idex lavatories is the one that we use where i work and they have a seven seven minute video through the basics so absolutely it’s not all that uh cumbersome but do do look at it that’s important or do a blood smear um so So that’s the hematology.
And in terms of biochemistry, I think it’s important that you do run, especially in dogs, electrolytes, but also in cats, because you want to know you need to replace potassium, sodium, and how much is it lower or is it elevated.
[49:18] And in terms of biochemistry, the other results, it’s nice to have some kidney values, urea, creatinine, phosphorus.
It’s nice to have some liver values, glucose, to have bilirubin, to have one, two liver enzymes.
[49:36] It’s nice to have maybe, well, cholesterol, triglyceride is not that important.
If we talk about pancreas, pancreatitis, which can result in acute vomiting, I think it’s extremely difficult.
Difficult and it’s probably the most over-diagnosed abdominal disease ever because most, lipase and amylase tests done in-house have a very low sensitivity and specificity so you overdose diagnose and under-diagnose an ultrasound is also not easy so making a diagnosis of of pancreatitis is um difficult um people you ask three clinicians with the same three with the same results and you get three different results yes maybe no um in the end of the day i don’t think it really makes that much difference for the patient it’s more about communication because hopefully you will treat the patient the same way anyway these patients need You need fluid, analgesics, and antiemetics, and that’s basically it.
[50:47] How about the CRP inflammation number?
CRP is if you have an animal for vomiting, I don’t think it’s a very helpful test.
It has a lot of false positives. It has sometimes false negatives.
For pancreatitis, it’s not that helpful either.
False positives and false negatives.
[51:10] There are a lot of other diseases where it doesn’t really help.
So, in my hands, CRP for a vomiting patient is not high on my list.
And the specific lipid?
No, the CPL and FPL.
There was just very recently an application came out of FPL for cats.
Very nice publication, which showed it had a quite poor specificity and also not an excellent sensitivity.
Meaning that it is heavily overdiagnosed based on FPL.
And even if there is pancreatitis, it is sometimes underdiagnosed.
So if it gives you peace of mind and you sleep better, then please do it.
But personally, I think it’s not enough.
For me, ultrasound, even though I’m not a good ultrasonographer, I think ultrasound is a better tool to diagnose pancreatitis, both in dogs and cats.
But if you either do not have a machine or you feel you’re not really good at it, then it might give you some information.
But don’t put all your money on the F or CPL.
[52:29] So we’re getting into pancreas and liver and kidney diseases podcast in themselves.
So I’d like to focus on the vomiting dog here.
I think maybe a kidney disease is somewhat obvious, I would expect.
Or can it be mild and still vomiting and then you would have to run an SDMA or you have to do a urinalysis or be more thorough in order to pick up a kidney case?
Or would you expect it to be quite obvious when the doctor?
If we have vomiting in a case, then almost all patients that have, I mean, we classify kidney disease if it’s chronic according to the IRIS guidelines, and there are also IRIS guidelines for the acute kidney injury.
I would not expect an animal in an iris stage 1 to actually show vomiting.
Iris stage 1 cases have other clinical signs like PUPD, or they did have acute kidney injury, and now they’re in stage 1.
So in general, if urea creatinine is normal in a well-muscled dog and has no other thing, then I would say kidney injury, kidney disease is pretty much ruled out if the animal has a major problem vomiting.
[53:56] And how about the liver as well? The liver, definitely look at every value and look at the age.
I mean, you have sometimes some chronic liver disease, and then we have sometimes some animals with portosystemic shunts where they have almost no liver enzyme abnormalities, but they may have a low MCV on your hematology.
They may have a low urea on your biochemistry, maybe just a touch low glucose on your biochemistry.
So liver is more difficult and not all of them are plain ictric and have marked hyperbilirubinemia.
So, if you have some values on there that are potentially pointing towards a liver shunt, then, of course, go ahead and do some bilacets.
More importantly, the post-brandial bilacet, if the animal is eating two hours, maybe both pre-brandial and post-brandial.
And if you have the option in your clinic to do ammonia, it’s more difficult to do ammonia testing.
But if you have the option, then look at that. So liver is more difficult.
And that’s something that might. I don’t think it’s often needed in an acute case. It’s more something for a chronic vomiting case.
[55:18] I have a couple of cases I’d like to try on you as well.
But before we get to that, let’s say that most of this has been done, that we talked about so far, and most of it is normal or somewhat normal, and you get a care referred.
[55:38] What’s the high-end stuff? Do you do a laparoscopy, an explorative laparoscopy to me?
Is that the correct word in English? or endoscopy or what are some advanced options?
CT scans or? Okay. Now, if you have a case that comes in with chronic vomiting or even vomiting for two, three days and is clinically sick, then I would do a full hematology and a full biochemistry.
[56:10] In the chronic cases, I definitely would do a cobalamin concentration to see if that’s normal or abnormal, more so for later treatment.
Um i uh in a dog i definitely would also do a bay either a basal cortisol concentration or a um acth stimulation test in a elderly cat more than seven years old i definitely would also do a t4 value to see where that is because hyperthyroidism in cats can result in vomiting I, if that is all still completely normal, then I would do a abdominal ultrasound.
[56:51] A complete abdominal ultrasound and see where we’re standing and hopefully find something there abnormal.
Normal um i’d hope that the animal had been dewormed because i don’t think it’s worthwhile to do endoscopy without prior deworming even though if a fecal analysis is negative because only a positive fecal result is proof and you um i mean finding tapeworms are almost impossible only 20 of all the cases with tapeworms will have a positive result roundworms and with three fecal samples you may find but still if it’s negative it could still be tapeworms so i would deworm the patient with some fenbendazole with a prasiquantel to be certain in a chronic case and doing endoscopy of the intestinal tract is really kind of the last resort and in dogs yes sometimes it’s needed.
Sometimes you find something abnormal that you don’t find on ultrasound.
[57:54] In cats, if you suspect that the cat has an IBD, then it’s more likely that you will find it on a full thickness biopsy and not on an endoscopic biopsy because it’s mainly in the muscular layer.
So in cats, I’d be more likely if I have a suspicion of an IBD to do a laparotomy and a a full thickness biopsy.
But in most of these cases, you would have first on your physical exam some thickened intestinal tract.
Then you most likely will have some abnormalities on your ultrasound.
So often with your prior diagnostic testing, you hopefully would get some results.
And CT, yeah, of course you can do CT, but that’s really the kind of the last resort.
[58:46] That if I do CT, then I generally do CT not only of the abdomen because then I also do CT of the thorax because it goes so quick.
Good enough. So I want to be mindful of your time, and we only have a couple of minutes left.
And when we talked prior to the interview, I joked on that I wanted to test you on your knowledge.
But what I’m mostly going to do, of course, is that I would like your thoughts on how you approach these cases.
And I have two here that we could maybe go together. and both of them made adjustments to them so they’re easy to talk about. But they are both cases I’ve seen.
So the first one is Baba. It’s a name from a children’s zoo here in Denmark.
It’s a three-year-old neutered male Labrador retriever.
[59:42] And he’s presented with a set of vomiting for about 24 hours.
And the owner has a show in the weekend or he needs to do something.
I forget the name in English. Hunting training.
And she has a show in the weekend and she wants Bubba to be well for that.
And she asked me to do everything in my powers to help him get better soon. soon.
So aside from a mild degeneration and maybe a bit of slow pace, he’s not completely lethargic, but he’s slower.
But for a Labrador retriever, he’s running around in the consultation room.
He’s not eating quite as a lot as he used to, but he is eating and he can keep most of what he gets down.
[1:00:44] Okay. I mean, it could have anything.
It could have a hypoadrenocorticism because it is a young Labrador.
It’s more in females than in males with GI disease.
It could be a dietary problem. It could be a, well, from the shunt I mentioned, also Labradors have sometimes kidney disease.
It could be basically anything.
It could also be just a very mild dietary indiscretion that has been ongoing for 24 hours.
So um if if that’s all that i have at that stage um i probably would put that dog only um if i’m the normal vet and not the referral vet because the dog has been referred to me if i’m the primary vet then i probably will put that dog on a uh easy digestible diet um i probably would give him an antiemetic if everything on physical exam is completely normal otherwise and see how how it goes over the next 24 hours, even knowing that maybe it has something more.
And I would tell the owner, we try to treat the most likely, the treatable.
And if it’s not bad, then when you come in again in 24 hours and it’s not better, then we would do some blood work.
[1:02:09] That was actually also what i wanted to do but the owner here she wanted to maybe we went a little bit overboard so we run blood samples as well and they were normal just the the hematology and the the biochemistry we didn’t run anything else on that day and we had it in the clinic for a couple of hours to and we we managed to get it about half a liter of um mine so um and the dog felt fine actually it was more difficult to keep the the dog calm while we gave the the intimate fluids than than anything else but if you came back and if i’m interrupted here if you if you think i mean it’s a labrador the labrador is probably about the male labrador three years probably about 30 And if you said clinically.
[1:03:01] He was probably a little bit dehydrated.
And we can only guesstimate dehydration when it’s more than 5%.
So 5% of 30 kilos, 1% is, let me think, 10% is 3 kilos, so 1.5 kilos.
Kilos so it would need um 1.5 liters of fluid um so half a liter is only about a third of you actually would want to give it the dog over the next probably about six hours so you need to if the dog comes in in the morning and you want to send it home in the afternoon you should give it quite quick fluid you want to give with the next six hours about one and a half liter of fluids with IV.
[1:03:47] Use an isotonic solution, lactated drink, or whatever you have available at that stage.
[1:03:56] Yeah. So the case was that when she came back and picked up the dog, she has been home, the owner has been home Googling, and she asked me if the sausages she’s been giving for the last two or three years could maybe have something to do with it.
So what I forgot to add in the history is that I’ve been doing extra training the last couple of days because of the show, the fall weekend.
And she’s been giving some very nice treats with some sausages and a lot of different stuff that the dog normally doesn’t get.
So exercise and sausages became the main diagnosis in this case.
Absolutely possible. Possible. I mean, as I said, you don’t really need to do diagnostic investigation on the first day if you don’t want to, or if the owner doesn’t want to, give it fluids, maybe an antiemetic drug and send it home and be certain that it is properly dewormed.
[1:05:00] So the next case is Shadow, the four-year-old unspayed female poodle mix, a mix of Labrador and a red dog, I don’t remember.
Shadow has been experiencing chronic and intermittent vomiting and lethargy and weight loss over a couple of months, a few months, two or three, as I remember.
[1:05:24] The owner also reports occasional episodes of diarrhea. On examination, the dog is quiet, but I don’t find anything really concerning.
It is a thin dog, but being a poodle and a Labrador, I didn’t put too much weight on that.
But it is a very slim dog.
So we elected for comprehensive blood work with electrocytes, and the potassium was slightly increased. The sodium was in the low range of normal.
Blood chemistry seemed normal.
And the hematology was also mostly normal with the hematocrit in the lower range, together with lower numbers of red blood cells.
[1:06:14] Okay. I mean, it’s a poodle. It’s a female poodle.
I definitely would ask also about when was the last heat. heat.
So I’m certain that we don’t miss anything from pyometra.
Then in your physical exam, you said there was nothing abnormal.
I would definitely also look at the vulva to be certain. I do that always in female unspayed dogs, especially if they had heat over the last month, something like that. With the hyperpyletra, So hypokalemia, I mean, hypocortisolism would be somewhere on my differential list, because if it’s vomiting all the time, you would rather expect a hypokalemia.
So I would look at my blood work again.
[1:07:01] Hypoadrenocortisim often has anemia, are the red blood cells on the low end.
A lot of hypoadrenocorticoid dogs have some form of lymphocytosis or maybe normal lymphocytes. So I would look at that because if the animal is sick, then you would expect more lymphopenia.
And I would look at my eosinophils on my blood, on my hematology, because if an animal is stressed due to disease, you would expect more eosinopenia.
And if the eosinophils are normal or even elevated, then you would have more points towards hypoadrenocorticism.
So in a case, and poodles are more likely to have Addison’s disease.
With everything you mentioned, I would definitely advise to give it fluids, do either a basal cortisol and measure endogenous ACTH.
And then I can calculate my cortisol ACTH ratio.
I like that. Or I would directly do an ACTH stimulation test, give it fluids.
It um and um well in that dog maybe depending if it’s referred then i would do an ultrasound because it’s been ongoing now for quite a while i would look at the adrenal size i would look at the intestines i mean it could also be anything else it could be a um lymphocytic entritis it could be many many different things but those are the things that come first to mind.
[1:08:28] Mm-hmm so you but you have a plan already in your head i can i can hear so i actually the the levels were normal but on the lower end and i thought yeah well the the dog has been vomiting and i luckily have a very skilled colleague in internal medicine and she suggested and this a a cth stimulation test and it was positive for an addison’s disease so you are were completely right on that and and the the symptoms resolved with treatment so one thing you should never forget if you do an ACTH stimulation test you need to be certain that the dog did not receive any steroids even one injection of prednisolone given up to four weeks beforehand can cause a flatline ACTH stimulation test If you give dexamethasone, it can be even longer, six weeks, eight weeks.
[1:09:30] So we’ve had multiple times cases that had flatline ACTH stimulation tests where we said, oh, wow, another Addison’s, which in the end was not the case.
Because if you go back to the history, you find out, oh, it did receive steroids.
Another reason why you should not send animals with vomiting home on some steroids, even low doses, low dose, 0.5 milligram per kilogram prednisolone can flatline your ACTH stimulation test up to four weeks.
[1:10:00] So this one didn’t get steroids, but it got antibiotics. So we’re not completely perfect yet, but still, right.
But the antibiotics didn’t resolve the Addison’s disease. Oh, what a wonder.
[1:10:16] Good. Reto, thank you so much for your time.
And we also went a little bit over. Sorry for that. But thank you so much for sticking around.
Around and hearing you talk about this has been such a blast because i can really hear the enthusiasm in in your voice and and hopefully that comes across to all our listeners as well so uh just before we end here um if people would like to to know more about you or to google you to uh read more about you um what’s the best way to do that if you want to contact me um the easiest is the way is by email so my email address is uh reto.neiger at ivcevidencia.de standing for germany deutschland um and um if you put my name in google um you find um there’s only one other reto neiger and he is a uh guy from switzerland who is making uh snowboards and he is a lot younger than me so if uh he looks like a 16 year old guy then it’s me okay good enough i will put everything in the show notes as well for this episode so thank you very much you’re welcome and hopefully you all had a good time thanks for listening.
Protokoller, praktiske tips og faglig viden: Nyhedsbrev For Dyrlæger

Faglig viden, protokoller og praktiske tips til dyrlæger, der vil udvikle sig fagligt – uden at gå på kompromis med familien eller tiden med patienterne.
Her er Dr. Reto Niegers tilgang i rækkefølge til en hund med opkast:
- Anamnese: Starter med en grundig anamnese for at indsamle detaljer om hundens helbredshistorie og nuværende symptomer.
- Klinisk undersøgelse: Udfører en klinisk undersøgelse for at vurdere hundens overordnede tilstand og identificere eventuelle umiddelbare problemer.
- Fæcesflotation og ormekur: Udfører fæces flotation test for at kontrollere for parasitter og ordinerer ormekur.
- Skånekost: Anbefaler en skånekost, typisk kylling og ris i starten, da det er nemt, for at simpel næring til mave-tarmkanalen.
- Probiotika: Overvejer brug af probiotika for at understøtte en sund tarmflora, selvom det ofte ikke er nødvendigt for patienter med primært opkast.
- Diagnostiske tests: Anbefaler basal diagnostik, herunder blodprøver og urinanalyse for at udelukke de mest almindelige medicinske årsager og vurdere “væsketal”.
- Røntgen og/eller ultralyd: Anvender røntgen og ultralyd for at få et detaljeret billede af mave-tarmkanalen og opdage eventuelle abnormiteter.
- Endoskopi: Overvejer endoskopi som en sidste udvej for at diagnosticere vanskelige tilfælde, hvor andre tests ikke har givet et klart billede.
Grundlæggende udredning
Når en hund præsenteres for opkastning, er det vigtigt at skelne mellem opkastning og regurgitation, da de to kan have forskellige underliggende årsager. Regurgitation er typisk forbundet med spiserørsproblemer, mens opkastning kan indikere sygdomme i maven eller andre dele af det gastrointestinale system.
Det indledende skridt omfatter en grundig historikoptagelse, herunder opkastningens hyppighed, tidspunkt i forhold til fodring, og om der er tegn på sygdom, såsom sløvhed, feber, eller diarré. Denne information kan hjælpe med at vejlede den videre diagnostiske proces.
Der blev nævnt specifikke mediciner og deres anvendelse i behandlingen af hunde med opkast:
- Meropitant beskrives som en potent antiemetikum, som kan anvendes i tilfælde af akut opkastning. Det anbefales at give en enkelt injektion af meropitant, men ikke at fortsætte behandlingen derhjemme uden yderligere vurdering, hvis opkastningen fortsætter efter 24 timer.
- Omeprazol og Pantoprazol nævnes som gastrisk beskyttende lægemidler, især i tilfælde af langvarig opkastning eller opkastning med blod. Det anbefales at anvende disse medikamenter i mindst en uge, eventuelt længere, da de ikke virker umiddelbart, men først efter et par dage, og de skal gives to gange dagligt.
- Skånekost. Dr. Nieger nævner brugen af en skånekost bestående af kylling og ris som en effektiv midlertidig løsning for hunde med fordøjelsesproblemer. Denne type kost er letfordøjelig og hjælper med at berolige mave-tarmkanalen, hvilket gør det til en ideel første indsats for hunde, der oplever mild til moderat opkast. Skånekosten anbefales typisk at blive anvendt i et par dage, indtil hundens symptomer begynder at aftage.
- Probiotika. Dr. Nieger nævner også brugen af probiotika som et supplement, der kan hjælpe med at genoprette og opretholde en sund tarmflora. Selvom probiotika ofte ikke er nødvendigt i tilfælde af opkast, kan det være en god ide at overveje for hunde med specifikke gastrointestinale ubalancer eller efter antibiotikabehandling, som kan forstyrre mikrobiomet.
Diagnostiske tests
Dr. Nieger anbefaler en skræddersyet tilgang til diagnosticering, hvor man starter med de mindst invasive tests. Dette kan omfatte blodprøver, urinanalyse og fækale undersøgelser for at udelukke infektioner og vurdere den generelle sundhedstilstand. Avancerede billeddiagnostiske metoder som røntgen eller ultralyd kan være nødvendige for at undersøge mave-tarmkanalen og andre indre organer nærmere.
Behandlingen af opkastning afhænger af den underliggende årsag. I nogle tilfælde kan det være tilstrækkeligt med diætændringer, som f.eks. en skånekost bestående af letfordøjelige fødevarer. I mere alvorlige tilfælde kan medicinsk behandling være nødvendig, inklusiv antiemetika for at kontrollere opkastning, samt antibiotika eller steroider, hvis der er en inflammatorisk komponent involveret.
Dr. Reto Niegers holdning til brugen af steroider og antibiotika i behandlingen af hunde med opkast er meget forsigtig og kritisk. Han fremhæver, at steroider bør anvendes sjældent og med stor omhu, da deres anvendelse kan gøre det svært at stille en præcis diagnose senere hen. Specifikt nævner han, at man bør undgå steroider så meget som muligt, da de, hvis de gives til patienter med en anden sygdom end antaget, kan komplicere diagnosen yderligere.
Når det gælder antibiotika, understreger Dr. Nieger også en meget forsigtig tilgang. Han nævner, at brugen af antibiotika bør være endnu mere begrænset, idet han påpeger, at Skandinaviske lande, som f.eks. Danmark, har meget strengere regler for antibiotikabrug sammenlignet med lande som Tyskland. Dr. Nieger fremhæver sin støtte til en strategi, der minimerer brugen af antibiotika så meget som muligt, især i tilfælde af gastrointestinale sygdomme, hvor han mener, at antibiotika og gastrointestinal sygdom sjældent har noget med hinanden at gøre.
Casestudier fra praksis
Podcasten inkluderer diskussioner af to specifikke casestudier, som illustrerer anvendelsen af disse principper i praksis. Disse reelle eksempler understreger vigtigheden af en metodisk tilgang til diagnosticering og behandling, samt værdien af at lytte til ejerens observationer og bekymringer.
Case 1: “Bubber” a 3 år gammel kastreret Labrador Retriever
An: Bubber bliver præsenteret med akut opkast over 24 timer. Han er ellers rimeligt frisk, og ejer melder at de skal til show i weekender og vil derfor genre have ham frisk meget hurtigt.
Us: Bubber er i store træk klinisk upåfaldende med indulgent abdomen fraset måske en mild dehydrering. Der er ikke taget temperatur.
Plan: Bubber indlægges de resterende timer af eftermiddag og vi når at give ham ca. 500 ml NaCl IV. samt Meriopitant.
Resultat: Bubber er ca. lige så frisk ved hjemgang som ved ankomst, har spist lidt og har ikke kastet yderligere op. Ved hjemgangen spørger ejer til om de pølser hun har givet i forbindelse med træning til showet kan have udløst episoden.
Dx: Gastritis sfa af en fødevarereaktion.
Case 2: “Shadow,” a 4 år gammel intakt puddel-blanding
An: Shadow har haft perioder on/off med diarre og opkast, og har været mistænkt for foderallergi. Hun præsenteres med opkast, nedstemthed og vægttab.
Us: Klinisk underøgelse er uden markante fund. Shadow er en slank hund, men ikke undervægttig. Hun virker lidt stille, men ikke nedstemt. Slimhinderne er lidt tørre, men lyserøde omend til den mildt lyse side. CFT ca. 2 sek. Indulent abdomen.
Diagnostik: Biokemi er umiddelbart upåfaldende, elektrolytmåling viser svag øget Kalium og til grænselav Natrum (sidste tilskrives opkast). Hæmatologi er inden for normal grænser med Hematokrit i den lave ended.
Plan: Efter den akutte behandling med væske, antiemitika og skånekost, kalder vi hunden ind (efter sparing med kollega) til en ACTH-stimulationstest.
Resultatet af ACTH-stimulationstest er story set “flat line”.
Dx: Primær hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s Disease).
Den kliniske tilgang til den opkastende hund kræver en omhyggelig vurdering og skræddersyet behandlingsstrategi. Ved at følge Dr. Niegers anbefalinger kan veterinærer forbedre deres evne til at diagnosticere og behandle dette almindelige problem, hvilket sikrer bedre resultater for deres patienter. Denne artikel tilbyder praktiske indsigter, der kan anvendes direkte i veterinær praksis, og understreger vigtigheden af en grundig klinisk vurdering i håndteringen af opkastende hunde.
Relevante links
- Reto Niegers email…
- ivcevidensia.de
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- Podcast: Kronisk diarre og tilbagevende diarre hos hund: Step-by-step tilgang
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